Dog Training

Dogs have been used for effective security since early history. Alldogs provide professional dog training services intended for clients who require the highest level of protection and stability around other persons and animals ...
All dog training conducted at Alldogs is overseen by some of Australia's most recognised working dog trainers with experience within military, prisons and police dog operations. Further to this we have provided dogs and services to and V.I.P.s and trained numerous dogs for major film productions.
Our protection dogs services are second to none. Our service begins with the quest to understand to specific outcomes and preferences that will provide the best canine and training for your needs. We customise an initial training program specific to you and your dog and provide follow up training to ensure skills are maintained to a high standard.
Personal & Executive Protection dogs are in high demand these days being one of the most proactive security measures and efficient security systems money can buy. Over the past 35 years of us providing protection dog services our recorded incidents of home invasions or burglaries is less than 1%. We are the experts when it comes to training a family friendly guard dog with strong protective capabilities when put in a security situation. We train and socialise each carefully selected personal protection dog to be a stable, obedient companion. Our personal protection dog services train the perfect dog for your home and lifestyle.
We train dogs for a variety of security services, from Military, Police and Security Patrol Dogs through to Industrial Guard Dogs. The dog training process is complex and skills taught ensure the dog is competent to handle a variety of situations relevant to the dogs required duties and evironment. We conduct an intensive initial assessment of all recruit dogs to ensure each dog has what it takes to progress to the most advanced training possible.
We carefully select a pair of dogs with the capability to safely work unattended together in a secure site to guard and deter intruders. We must ensure the dogs selected to train are not diggers, fence jumpers or chewers that could become a liability to a business. The guard dog service is an extremely cost effective security system that is able able to implemeted at short notice.
Security Patrol Dog Training
It is a unique and special dog selected to train and work in security functions. Only a small percentage of dogs from suitable breeds tested for this role are selected to progress in training. The dog training is very comprehensive and becomes more demanding over time. A handler must put in countless hours of bonding and development with their dog. The training of the security patrol dog is progressive over time. Initially the K9 team will train to pass a pre-employment assessment and continue to 3 levels of assessment certify or quailify for particular skill sets and job roles. Alldogs provides complete training programs for security patrol dogs and handlers.
Specialist Dog Training
Alldogs provides high quality K9 development and training services to military and law enforcement organisations on an international level. Our team of specialist trainers are able to deliver dog training solutions that meet the specific needs of any organisation in any environment.
Training dogs for home, commercial or law enforcement guarding & protection applications.
Certifying handlers under the national accreditation standards.for various security K9 applications.
Specialised K9 training for the detection of drugs, weapons, explosives & premises intruders.
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